Sunday, March 13, 2005

First Rays of the Rising Sun

My oh my. I seem to be quite prolific with the blogging these few days. I haven't posted this early in the morning in quite a long time now have I ?

I'm still at work. I'll be leaving here in 51 minutes.

I just stepped outside for a smoke just now. The sun is just at the horizon. Thick cloud cover this morning. But I must say, I like the color of the sky this time of the morning. A little off-black. Some blue. Nice.

I'll be working again tonight. I can't wait for Monday morning. I can't believe I can't wait for Monday morning.

And, I just survived an entire night of listening to Lite & Easy FM. That's right. Twelve hours of love songs and sappy music. I actually enjoyed them. Like the song playing right now, Save the Best for Last by Vanessa Williams.

A mere two weeks ago, a mere three love songs in a row would've set of another melancholy attack. Woe woe, how lonely and unloved am I. Woe woe, how hopeless am I for being incapable of starting a relationship that actually works. Woe woe, how sad and depressed am I for my life is nowhere near where I want it to be. Woe woe woe.

It's nice to entertain the hope that maybe, just maybe, I have turned a corner.

It's not that those things have left me completely. Some woe is still there. Get real, I still feel slightly incomplete and dissatisfied. My life this week is better, but still not puppy dogs and honey yet.

And get real, it probably never will. I guess the important thing is to know that probably, no one's life will ever be absolutely perfect.

Uh oh. I'm not making much sense. I'm trying to be philosophical here and I'm not sure if I'm doing it right.

Anyway, I have a thought about falling in love. Who hasn't received advise about keeping it cool and level headed when falling in love ? Sound advise but practical ? Hardly.

By nature falling in love involves healthy doses of insanity. It's not a science after all. How can it be when you consider how irrational one gets when Under the Spell. Ok, one may argue that the feelings and emotions that erupt when it happens actually IS scientifically explained.

Personally, I don't think that chemicals and hormones explain everything. It explains a lot. But not everything.

I don't have any evidence to back that up. Just gut instinct and my own experiences.

Seriously though, I think hard and I've never met any single person who has fallen in love and NOT acted bizarrely.

I just hope that the next time this happens to me, I'll remember this. Perhaps, only then can I prevent myself from getting all worked up and irrational like I do.

But somehow, I think not. Cest la vie I guess.

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