Monday, January 31, 2005

Jellybeans !

I'm having a sakai moment as we speak.

It's after lunch and am tucking into a tub of jellybeans. They were given to us by a US colleague who arrived today. He also provided us with some absolutely luscious Lindt candy. Delicious.

I have never seen or eaten jellybeans before. Ever. Yes it's official. I. Am. A. Country. Bumpkin.

They're brilliant. So many colours and so many different flavors, including at least three different coffee flavors. All shaped like beans and made from jelly. I can't stop eating them. It's great! They should make prescription medication look and taste like this.

I wished I'd brought my camera. It' would've been my first food review.

Other than that, it's a typical Monday morning. I punch in and as soon as the clock strikes 8, the phones start to ring. And ring. And ring.

Despite the usual Monday morning madness, I've feeling rather chipper. And being busy is always good in the way it makes time rocket by like a burning Betty bomber plummeting towards its fiery demise on the surface of the Pacific Ocean.

I also had a Doh! moment early this morning. I woke up at 5.30am and was in such a rush to avoid traffic that I drove off and actually forgot to bring my hand phone. I swear, these days I'd forget my head if it wasn't attached to my neck. Or maybe I'm getting old.

Also worth noting is this hilarious post by Cayce (well, it was hilarious to me anyway for some reason which I don't know).

Would I go to a match-making gathering ? No I wouldn't. I could be the most desperate guy in town but I still wouldn't.

Not there's anything wrong with activities like that. It could be fun. It's a good way to meet new, interesting people, maybe even hook up with some. Provided there's enough variety of course.

Why wouldn't I go ? Pride that's why. I'm thinking maybe if I go, it would somehow confirm my suspicions that I'm too socially inept to set myself up and that I need help with it. Granted it might be true but even then I wouldn't want to admit it. I'm not sure if I'm saying this right.

For the record, I know that thinking like that is very silly. There's nothing wrong with this and I shouldn't be thinking like that.

And of course there's the stigma among my studly friends who keep forgetting that I'm not them and therefore do not have their good looks, social graces and physical presence (while not essential, these attributes make social interactions easier). I value my friends' opinions and to have them disprove and look at me funny would sting. I don't know whether I could deal with that.

In reality, they probably wouldn't look at me funny (at least not all of them). It's probably my warped mind and my negative thinking. And perception as you know, shapes reality. Which is too bad for me.

Damn me and my issues.

That's all then. Excuse me while I go and finish my jellybeans.

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