Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Lunch at Bishopgate

I had lunch at a coffeeshop at Bishopgate today with Diana and Jane. I haven't met Diana in years. Jane and I've never met. She's nice.

Diana's very sweet. Unfortunately she wouldn't let me take any pictures of her. But if I did you'd agree that she's the cutest thing anyone ever saw. She'd never admit it, but she is cute. Extremely even. She's changed. A little more sophisticated, a little more wordly now. She's leaving for Labuan in a less than two weeks and her work will take her around the world, hopefully. She's going to lead quite a life.

Her boyfriend is very lucky. Very very lucky. I'm sure he knows that.

I'm lucky too. I know many women who are adventurous, interesting and nothing like your demure, quiet Asian woman stereotype. It's a blessing I always forget to count. Unfortunately, many of them aren't here.

I met her years ago. I was working in Unimas and she was a student. She was just a kid then. I saw her around a lot but we never really hung out all that much. She was closer with my other friends, them being closer to her age.

Plus one time it got really awkward. You see, one of our friends thought that we'd make a good couple. So he tried to match us by using a typical Kuching method; he spread a rumor about us. She heard and called me about it. That was quite a shock I tell you.

Funny how attempts to put people together like that almost always result in people drifting away. After all that, I moved away from Unimas and never saw her again. Until last month.

Anyway, after lunch we had coffee.

It was great. Coffee, good conversation, pleasant afternoon. I should have more days like this. Seattle is the best place I know to have a conversation. The place is comfortable, quiet with just the right amount of light and NONE of that loud background music that seems to plague many of Kuching's hang-out places. What's up with that ?

Jane is pretty swell too. She's bright and can carry a conversation. I hope I will see her again. And in the excitement of the afternoon, I forgot to ask for her number. Doh !

That's the thing. I bet many women in Kuching are like that. I know in my gut, there are a good number of women in town I could talk to and who will actually like my company. How do I meet them ? You can't tell by just looking at them, that's for sure.

We talked for two hours. Two hours that sped by a little too quickly for my liking. We talked about jobs, men, women, food, haircuts, cameras, old friends, the crazy things that people do, music.

We said our goodbyes and here I am at home blogging about it.

Diana is leaving soon. I won't see her again for awhile. I will send mail and this blog's URL. I might get her to start her own. She will have many stories to tell once she begins travelling.

I hope we won't lose touch.

Currently Listening to Think Drowning Pool

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