Tuesday, January 25, 2005


I woke up this morning to find streamyx off line again. Looks like I'll be hot footing it to a cyber cafe again for awhile. I'm not surprised at all by this. At least I managed to complete all my downloads before the death of DSL..

I downloaded the Buffy Season 6 special features last night. It's great, but then again I'm extremely biased about Buffy so everything Buffy related is good. It's a thing, you know ?

Anyway, I especially love the musical episode featurettes. In fact I love featurettes in general. They tell you things about films, filming, direction, production, special effects, the writing process etc. I also like cast/director/producer commentaries for the same reason. Very, very educational. And also funny. For example, check out the cast commentary on The Grudge DVD. It was hilarious.

Sarah Michelle Gellar's a funny girl. She should do a comedy feature. She's also a brilliant dramatic actress. No one can pull off angst like Sarah can...

Another thing I picked up while watching DVD featurettes and the-making-of specials is how horrendously difficult acting really is. Imagine doing a role that requires you to be someone who has absolutely nothing in common with you.

I did some acting once, if you could call it that. I was 16 I think and it was a Boys' Brigade NCOs retreat. We were divided into groups and each group was supposed to write a short skit with a horror theme. I played a corpse. I had no lines, obviously.

I was terrified. I think if I had to to that now, I'd be looking forward to it actually.

As difficulty as acting is, I do find myself being tantalized by the idea of acting. It's one of those things that on starting level, seems almost possible for everyone to do. It;s only when you need to do a character that is nothing like yourself that it looks nearly impossible anyway.

I think so anyway. I'm a layman, don't ask me whether any of this is true or not.

In other news, I'm off work tomorrow. Therefore as a reminder to myself, I need to get my guitar fixed, complain to Telekom about Streamyx (again) and hunt for a camera.

And maybe later in the evening I could look up Florence and see what she's up to. Maybe I'll get angsty again and write another long, ranty post.


Report logged to Streamyx Helpdesk. Now, lets see how long this takes.

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