Monday, January 24, 2005

Bla and Yet More Bla

I'm trying to write at the moment and I'm coming up all dry ice and hot air. I guess angst and pain do have some good side effects. One of which is to provide fodder for long ranty posts. And let's not forget tragic novels and emo song lyrics.

It's just occured to me that I've never really tried to write a cheery post before. In fact, I don't even know what it looks/sounds like.

So what can I say today ? Well, it's Monday and I just know that it's going to be a long, excruciatingly annoying day. I think this is because external auditors are coming today. I just know that they'll find something wrong. And I just know that my boss will panic and ask me to jump through hoops to distract the audit people.

I know auditors are normal, regular people (well, they LOOK human anyway). Yet they fill me with such dread. It's like when you're driving and you get pulled over by cops. You might have done absolutely nothing but the dread is still there.

My boredom is obvious and palpable isn't it.

Anyway, I did want to comment on something. I read a good blog post yesterday, about eloquence. The author of said post was saying how impressed she was with the writings of many bloggers on her list (which I checked and yes those people do write very extremely well). And how she wonders what makes these people so eloquent.

The thing is the writer herself is an excellent writer in her own write.

Whether I'm eloquent or not, I'm not so worried about. It depends on a readers perception I guess. What did strike me was how here we have a skilled writer and she's fretting about how her own blog posts are not as good as others (incidentally I don't agree with her, her posts are great).

I always thought that people who are good at something never feel insecure about themselves. But I guess that's not true. In a way it's a good thing. It makes you try harder.

It is now pass 8 o'clock and I need to go and drink some coffee. Have a good day.

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