Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Road Rant

I'm at work again. Three nights left. I'm trying to psyche myself up by thinking about the extra money I'm making with all this extra work. So far, it's not working. I still feel like going home and curling up in my perpetually dark bedroom.

Damn. Oh well. And since I'm at work and have nothing interesting to do I shall now ramble lengthily. I hope you all will enjoy reading it, heh.

I read many blogs. Everyday. Many times during the day. Sometimes I read stuff that I vehemently disagree with. The kind of posts and comments that make me want to go "Now look here. That's NOT how it works."

Except I never really express disagreement much. Mostly out of politeness and the fact that I try to remember that the blogger/commenter is expressing an opinion and not actively trying to provoke a reaction. Also most of the time, internet arguments aren't really worth participating in. Although I admit, there are fun to read.

Just check out the IMDB boards. Look for any of those "something" vs "something" threads and I guarantee laughter aplenty. And sometimes some very interesting points. The most fun ones I've read recently are the Blade vs Angel thread on the Blade Trinity forum and the Aishwarya Rai vs Angelina Jolie thread on the Aishwarya Rai forum. Fun !

Anyway, I must admit sometimes I don't get it when people disagree with me on certain things. Human nature I guess, I sometimes forget that what is true for me might not be true for others. And so, I resolve to let differences lie and enjoy the fact that we DO have different opinions and we don't have to agree about everything to be friends.

However having said that, I do enjoy a good discussion. So as usual, feel free to disagree with me. Or agree with me even. On whatever thing.


In other news, I read a heartening news item in the Sarawak Tribune about road safety. For the third time in I think 6 months, the cops are mulling a so-called speed range for certain roads instead of just a mere speed limit. Why ? Two words.

Slow poke road hogs. Ok that was four words. Slow drivers can cause accidents and are more dangerous than most people think. Also, it's just rude to hold everyone else up just because you want to drive at 40km/h on a two lane suburban road during rush hour where it's impossible to overtake.

How many times have we gone at 90km/h, switch lanes from the middle to the right, only to find a Kancil there going at 40km/h (Cue sudden braking and unwanted adrenalin rush). Why do people do that ? The Fast Lane is called The Fast Lane because that's where people drive fast. Doh ! Hence the name. Don't these people feel anything when there's someone right behind them flashing their highlights ?

People, friends, strangers, driving slowly DOES NOT guarantee your safety. Despite what what daddy says.

From my own experience, I've had more trouble involving slow vehicles than quick ones. Like bikes. I much prefer quick bike riders (as opposed to annoying bike riders. That's a whole different vibe.) I don't have to worry about bashing into one as I try to pass because quick riders are usually quicker than me. And it's actually safer for them to go quickly because of their lack of size. How many times have anyone driven along Matang Road and have a kapchai drift into the MIDDLE of your lane making it impossible to overtake ? Or worse, when there's TWO of them in the middle of the lane and having a roaring chat. (I hate this. Call it a peeve)

So viewers, if you don't want to drive fast at least stay on the left. If you want to stay in the middle or the fast lane then please put some more pedal down. Despite its rep, a Kancil is actually a very quick, agile car if driven properly. You'd be surprised (don't ask how I know).

I actually have some more driving stories and facts. For instances, notice how more regular, normal people kil/maiml themselves in accidents and NOT the racer dudes (as opposed to Ah Beng racer wannabes, different vibe again). Why is that ?

And the most useful safety tip I've ever received was not from a cop/gov official/parent/driving instructor. I got it from an illegal drag racer.

You see "bad" people are sometimes less bad than "good" people. But these stories are for another day.

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