Sunday, October 17, 2004

Sunday Postage

I was trawling through my archives just now and I noticed that my posts are getting humongously lengthy.

It's unbelievable that people would actually read through all that, bad grammar/spelling and all. And not only finish reading, people leave comments too. I like comments. Comments are nice. Yes, I'm an online attention whore !

I helped a friend start his blog today. I hope he will get addicted to it like I am. He also let me download all the pictures he took of the fallen Satok bridge on to my PC. I'll post those pics as soon as I clean them up. They're kinda blurry.

It's a damned shame what happened to that bridge. It's been there forever (well, since 1926 anyway). The Sarawak river looks empty without it. So typical isn't it ? To notice something only after it's gone...

And talking about pics, I took a blurry pic of my desktop using my friend's camera. As in my PC desktop, not the top of the desk the monitor is sitting on. I'll post that one too. Damn I need a camera. But I'll still broke. Double damn.

I read some blog entries today and some of these entries stung. I was about to comment on them by posting a rebuttal here, but then I thought...nah. These people's opinions are justified. I may not agree to some of it but to each their own right ? And besides, it's easy to get offended by remarks if you don't take them in the right context.

That's the thing. Context. You might mean well and think you're being friendly but to another person, you might seem like a loony. Or weird. Or a stalker. Or just plain annoying. It's a nice thing to be overtly friendly. I myself wish I could be more of an extrovert. But the friendly part doesn't work without the tact part. The tricky part of tact is that it's different for different situations and for different people.

That was my thought for today. It makes less sense than usual because I left out details and examples. Also, I don't feel like being too lengthy today.

All I know from that is...I still have so much to learn.

Currently Listening to "Stupid" Sarah McLachlan, Afterglow

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