Saturday, October 23, 2004


Is it just me or is the end of the year always filled with some kind of melancholy ?

I'm not talking about me. Amazingly, I'm not feeling melancholic at all. In fact, at the moment I'm relatively content. I'm talking about people in general.

I have friends who went and lived and studied in temperate countries. You know, the ones with four seasons ? They tell me that people get more depressed and emotional more easily as the temperature goes down. I think that's true. Of course in my country, it either rains or not. Tis boring living in the tropics sometimes, at least with regards to weather.

Anyway, I have noticed that the end of the year brings a bluesy vibe that's unmistakably palpable. More people break up and fall out of relationships come October & November. Have you noticed that ? Since we don't have four seasons and the temperature is always consistently hot, is there some other environmental factor that I'm overlooking ? Or maybe IT IS just me....

I'm just babbling viewer. The fact is, I'm stuck in the office and prepping another workstation. I'm bored. So bear with me, kay ? Good.

And more melancholy related news, I have noticed with considerable sadness that over the last two days many bloggers have decided to reduce or stop their blogging. Including some bloggers that I know and read religiously.

Whatever their reasons, it's saddens me to see a blog no longer being updated. It's like having a long distance friend that you talk on the phone with regularly. Suddenly one day said friend calls to tell you that he/she is moving to somewhere else and can no longer call.

You wish the best for the friend. But it doesn't stop you from being sad about it. Somewhere deep down, you wish you could say something to convince them not to go away. But what can you do ? For whatever reason they stop, what can we do but wish them well.

So, to all of them - Best of Luck and may we meet again, in life or in cyberspace or both.

Actually I came close to stopping too. Twice.

One time, I got really intimidated by some of the blogs that I read and nearly stopped out of embarassment. Yes, my inferiority complex rears its ugly head again....

Another time was a few months ago while I was having my so-called "emotional upheaval" (which is completely over now, thank goodness). I was in a lot of pain and I was also feeling embarassed at the entries I was posting.

But I decided to keep going despite that. I figured if I were to stop doing this I'd forget and among other things, do all those things that I know I shouldn't do and say things I know I shouldn't say. Again. Repeat ad nauseum.

Among other things, this blog is a teacher. It prevents me from forgetting about the past. At least I hope so. Let's be clear, I no longer dwell in the past. Nor do I live in the future. But it's important to remember. There are lessons in the past that I cannot afford to waste time relearning. Again.

It's not all bad though.

I'm pleased to discover that the great LizzyQweer has returned with a new blog ! Welcome back Liz !!. May your blog not get hacked this time.

I'm well pleased.

Listening To "Eyelash" Juliet the Orange

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