Saturday, October 16, 2004

Oddly Fine

I'm posting for absolutely no reason. Or I'm posting just for the hell of it. I haven't quite decided yet. Or maybe it's the same thing.

Or maybe.....

Ok I admit. I'm addicted to this blogging business. Despite not having anything significant to write about here I am as usual doing my stream-of-consciousness thing again. Albeit one can argue that I'm not supposed to be able to stream consciousness while being semi-conscious in my cubicle.


The fact remains that more than 48 hours of non-postage will see me exhibit withdrawal symptoms similar to recovering caffeine addicts. I need help.

And not only that. My blogging addiction has manifested itself in other ways, like when I go and hit other people's blogs every ten minutes going,"Dammit why haven't you people updated yet ?!".

And to think that I was so nervous about not being able to write when I first started out.

Actually, this topicless post is quite a respite from all the seriously overdramatic entries that I have been writing recently. Today (or this morning rather, since it's past midnight) you will not see any introspective ranting from me. None of that emotional angst business. No more asking of impossible-to-answer questions like "Why !?". Enough with the jaded-cynicism and the woe-is-me.

Well, at least for the time being anyway. Trust me when I say all that will be back to keep all of you highly entertained and on the edge of your seats. It's me we're referring to here, me whose existence will not be total without the required amounts of emotional trouble.

But seriously, I'm feeling strangely fine. I feel light, as if someone had taken the trouble to remove the anvil that was attached to the back of my head all the while without me realising it. In fact someone did take the trouble. This is not merely word play, there actually was a person responsible. Or persons rather.

Before I leave to prepare yet another Dell workstation for deployment, I would like to draw attention to comments that someone by the name of "flancer" left in the last two posts. Something to do with branches and cuts and flowers. Quite a clever comment actually, I didn't quite get it at first. Basically, "flancer" observes that yours truly has closed the book on the past and crossed the line, thus opening up possiblities for other things.

"Flancer", I hope you are right. I do have a feeling that I've gotten over whatever I was supposed to be getting over, but let's make sure that it's not a false dawn.

Well, that was suitably light-hearted. Now let's see how long this will last before I turn this blog into another emotional quagmire.

Someone should publish the odds....

Listening To "Full of Grace" Sarah McLachlan

(Edit : I noticed a huge number of spelling & grammar atrocities upon rereading this post five hours later. Forgive me people, this post was written whilst I was semi-conscious and caffeine deprived.

Must learn how to prood-read next time.)

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