Monday, February 23, 2004

William the Bloody Awful Singer

I came across this article when browsing around the net this morning.

Interesting. It seems that in order to gain recognition from a competition, you either do it the old fashioned way and win, or you fail spectacularly. On national TV preferably.

For the uninformed, the subject of the above article is William Hung, the Chinese-American fellow who entered American Idol and failed spectacularly in the early rounds. I saw that episode and yes, he was that bad. It was awful.

Still, kudos to the little guy for trying and for handling Simon Cowell's excessively harsh criticism very well. I can't diss him cause at least he didn't cry and whine about the judges being blind and what not. As bad as he was, at least he wasn't deluded. It's nice to see him get some positive recognition for his effort, although I'm pretty sure some people are just doing it to take the mickey out of him.

Malaysia's own Akademi Fantasia is starting up now too. That means my mom will start hogging the TV again. Of course it won't have a Simon Cowell-like judge involved (last time I checked) so it won't be as much fun to watch.

I wonder if we'll get our very own William Hung....

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