Saturday, December 11, 2004


A real quick one.

I'm having one of those periods where suddenly I'm extremely busy. I think I fixed four PCs in the last two days. Plus an impromptu lecture on correct PC usage and maintenance. It's a good thing I actually like doing this.

It's still raining. It rained since this morning. I think it'll rain until tomorrow. Or the day after. Have to brace myself for flooding. It's all good though, this incessant rain is reminding me of Blade Runner. Or Max Payne. Possibly both.

Tonight, I'm going out. I just noticed that I haven't gone out on a Saturday night in months. Yes, I lead a sad, hermit-like life.....

Tomorrow night, I have to work. I don't want to actually. The closer Christmas gets, the lazier I'm becoming. Ah well...

I'll post some more later. Gotta run now.

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