Sunday, December 19, 2004

Oooh my Head...

I've just come back from a social engagement 4.40am. I had a great, if slightly awkward time.

It's been an insane couple of days. I had wanted to post yesterday but i got distracted. This is the problem with the Christmas season. All these interesting games come out. Like Medal of Honor : Pacific Assault. Which is absolutely brilliant.

But I'm too stoned to write a game review right now.

I went a birthday party just now. Well, sort of. Well actually it was one of those combination gatherings. It was a friend's girlfriend's niece's birthday party, a friend's girlfriend's sister's birthday party and the tenth anniversary of a very good local band. And so as can be expected it was a large gathering, with a large number of people.

Unfortunately, I didn't know how big it was. I would've dressed more accordingly. I was severely under dressed.

At least it felt I was. Actually not really, since it was an informal gathering. But the feeling was there. Having inadequate self-esteem is rather annoying like that.

I'm not very good with parties. I like to go to parties but I'm the type to sink in the background instead of mingling. It's a skill which I lack.

Now it did occur to me that I may seem aloof. What can I say I can't really blame people who think so. I don't talk much. Especially to strangers. I'm little shy like that. I wish I wasn't.

But let's think. Why is it up to me to break ice ? What about those people who don't come and talk to me ? I can say they're aloof too right ? Who knows, I'm too stoned to analyse that now.

But I really did have a great time today. It was an awesome, if busy day.

At the party, I met old friends and acquaintances whom I've not met in years and years. Or at least it felt like that. Drinks, good conversation, what else can one ask for.

Then there was that friend's girlfriend, who along with some other friends tried to pair me of with her sister. Nice of them. She's a decent girl. But seriously ? I'm too scattered to indulge in things like that. I want to, but as you know what we want may not be the right want at the moment. So I was just cordially polite instead of overly eager. Which is okay.

I also bumped into a friend today. An old girl friend. As in friend who is a girl instead of the other kind.

I haven't met Diana in the longest time. And my God, she looked so good. Honestly she is the cutest thing you ever saw. She was and always will be. I miss her, now that I think about it.

She's finished studying and will be leaving for Labuan for work in January. I'd like to see her one more time at least. She's a nice girl.

Being alone isn't nice, but friends make it easier. And thank God for that.

Have to go to bed now. Stoned. Too much whiskey....

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