Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Word Vomit


It’s the last day of November and I can’t wait.

Like I’ve mentioned before, I love the last month of the year. A month of joy and hope and closure and beginnings of new beginnings. A month of Christmas sales and shopping opportunities. And the PC fair this weekend ! It’s going to be fun.

For me, it’s more. It’s a month for (more) introspection and evaluation. A month for looking back and looking forward. And I also think with its hopeful vibes, a good month to meet people.

The cynical may say that I’m being overly sentimental and silly for equating a unit of temporal measurement to anything significant. And they’re right. I am being sentimental. And right again, the months and days and weeks are just temporal units. But for me, each month carries memories and things carried over from previous months from previous years. Each experience good or bad, helps colour each different month. And the most colourful of all the months is December.

So many good things happen in the December. I started my first (and so far only) relationship in December. In the mid nineties, I had a fling with someone starting in December. I had wild parties and fantastic jam sessions in December. So yeah, by association December is a great month. Pavlovian much ? Very.

I’m aware that I sound like a crazy person. So what, I can be crazed if I want to.

It’s been raining more frequently too. I like rain. I like the cool temperatures and the drizzle. Unlike most of the people I know, I don’t really mind walking in rain and getting drenched. Except when I’m at work of course.

It's really weird. Right now, I sitting here writing this rather sentimental post and feeling rather guilty about it. There's that social programming again. The one that says men such not entertain such things as feelings and vibes and must be practical all the time. There's this voice in my brain that tells me I should write about cars and chicks and computer games instead of my regular word vomit.

Social programming is hard to shake off isn't it ? It's also stupid. There's nothing wrong with writing about chicks and cars and computer games and gadgets of course. It's just that I somehow seldom feel like it.

I'm also thinking that this is why there are more female then male bloggers around, especially locally.

Actually, that's a good question. Why is it that more women blog than men ? Is it because women are more internet savvy ? Is it because women are better with words ? That women are more sentimental ?

Must there be a difference between a male & female blog ? Are there such things ? Am I insane and do I think too much ?

And is it just here or is it a global thing that happens everywhere ? Someone should publish bloggers' demographic data.

I bet it'd make an interesting read.

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