Sunday, November 28, 2004

There's a Point in Here Somewhere....

A good friend of mine has finally started blogging !! Come hither and give your support. She is an educator so expect good posts from her.

The more friends start blogging, the more pleased I am. But I think so far, only three of my friends have started blogs.

I remember talking to some friends about this blogging/online journal thingamajig. I remember them being rather incredulous and going,"Dude, you post your diary online ? Aren't you embarassed ? Isn't that weird ?"

I guess not everyone feels comfortable putting themselves out like this. Which is fine by me. Whatever rocks your boat. If you think it's weird to post thoughts on a public place like the Internet, that's fine. Don't do it then. But I don't think it's weird so here I am in all my longwinded glory.

A tip for the shy newbie blogger wannabe; if you want to blog but are afraid that someone you know finds out that it's you, try keeping the blog anonymous and don't tell anyone. It might make blogging more relatable.

Hey ! De ja vu. I may have written about this before. And if so, please forgive me for being repeato-guy. Aside from the usual introspection, not much blog fodder now.

Well, anyways back to the weirdness of blogging/online journalling. In our conservative Asian society, it is kinda weird to be so open about one's self. Most people would insist on you to put your best face forward and make the good impression. In our society, looking and acting "perfect" is a real big deal. Nobody likes to talk about the bad stuff going on. Everybody's got a broom to sweep the uglies under the carpet. In our society, impressions are everything.

How many times have we heard the phrase,"Aren't you worried about what people are going to say ?" I ask, who ? What people ?

Sometimes, I worry too. That's just an automatic response caused by years of subliminal social programming. But mostly ? Not really. Ya see, I believe that people in general have enough problems on their own. Sure there are your usual number of busy-bodies and nosy people around, usually people who have to much time on their hands.

But really, if these opinions come from people who don't matter to me then their opinions don't really matter either. It's too hard to take into account EVERYONE'S opinion. And yet how many of us are hamstrung by the thought of not fitting in to people's general perception.

Humans are social animals and therefore want to belong somewhere.

I'm not saying that people need to rebel and break the status quo. I'm just saying that if someone wants to do or be something other than the usual expected thing, they should go ahead and do it public opnion be damned. As long as it's not illegal. Or otherwise bad in anyway.

I have noticed one thing. Our conservative Asian society is opening up slowly. More people care now about things that matter. People are beginning to be less interested in sweeping things under the carpet and pretending everything's hunky dory. People are more keen on bringing out problems and trying to solve them.

That's a good thing.

Currently Listening to "Pictures of Success" Rilo Kiley

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