Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Middle of the Week...

In the last three days I saw FOUR accidents while I was out driving. Two on Tuesday morning, one yesterday morning and one more just now. And all of these accidents occured at roundabouts. Since we all know that all roundabouts are natural bottlenecks you know what that means ?

Instant traffic jam that's what. So driving about was less fun these few days what with the jostling for space alongside big dump trucks and SUVs and the riding of the clutch in 1st gear. And rude motorcyclists.

Which is a pity because I do enjoy driving.

I'm also sick again. The annoying not-really kind of sickness where I'm not sick enough to stay at home and not well enough to enjoy myself. I went to see the MA here yesterday and he said I'm suffering from exhaustion (!). That's never happened before.

Nevertheless, I'm determined to have a good time tomorrow what with it being an off day and all that. I'm going to go to a friend's house and we're going to have a nice, quiet relaxing barbecue. Which reminds me, I need to brush up on some acoustic songs to play. Also, I need to ask my friend to show me how to play Metallica's Nothing Else Matters.

I'm starting to play guitar again. I have been neglecting it for far too long. I doodled with my guitar yesterday morning for the first time in many months. It felt great. I need to buy a new acoustic. The one I have now doesn't quite satisfy and I don't want another electric since my brother's got one already. And he hardly uses that one. Plus I don't have a band anymore.

Speaking of which, we're having a band reunion somewhere next month ! This is going to be great. Being in a band is cool. The rest of the band will be returning from their various travels for Christmas.

The end of November is near. Soon the year will end. I'm probably going to write an ultra long post and do an assessment the year past. Overall ? It's been a good year.

And finally, some torrent news. I downloaded an "unofficial" Buffy soundtrack that beats the hell out of the the two official soundtracks. This one has THIRTY EIGHT songs, all of which appeared in Buffy episodes. It's got some very rare stuff on it. It's awesome. I likey.

For good measure, I also downloaded the Once More With Feeling OST. For you non-Buffy folks, that's the musical episode. Very nice.

PS - To all those people who commented on the last few posts, thanks. It's awesome that you guys take time out to share their thoughts and opinions with me. Happy Thanksgiving !

Currently Listening to "Charge" Splendid, Ultimate Buffy Soundtrack

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