Monday, March 01, 2004

Bring on the Night

I'm at work. It’s at night, well actually it WAS night. Now it’s early morning. Also, I'm feeling strangely thoughtful & philosophical.

I like night. I’m what might be considered as nocturnal. A night person. I do my best work at night. I play and practise music more at night because I feel more creative and less inhibited. I read more at night. And write more. And write better. In all aspects, I’m more active at night then at any point during the day. During day time, if I got nothing to do I’d get lethargic and sleepy.

I like the night and the darkness that comes with it. Sometimes I think it’s not so much the night I like so much as the dark. Even my room, I like to keep it dark with just enough light from my table lamp. Many of my friends find it rather weird that when they come over, I sometimes forget I have company and just turn the table lamp instead of my big white fluorescent one. Not all of them feel comfortable in the dark.

I went through a period where my parents were quite worried about my fondness for dark places and for staying up late. I picked up the night habit in college, I think, where a whole bunch of us would stay up late into the morning. Sometimes we stayed up to study and do assignments but mostly it’s to chat and hang around. It became a routine and pretty soon I felt less comfortable during the day than at night. I left college in 1996 and I’ve been nightbound since.

Night and darkness. I find it strangely comforting and peaceful. Perhaps on some subconsious level, I treat the darkness as a security blanket. Somewhere I can hide and not have to reveal my flaws and imperfections. A refuge from the chaos and the hectic way of life that daylight brings. It might be that I equate darkness with security & comfort.

So, don’t be afraid of the dark. It can be your friend, covering you and hiding you from all that you need to get away from. I know I feel that way sometimes.

Bring on the Night.

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