Saturday, June 12, 2004

Weird Dream

Just when I thought I had no more ideas for this web log, I discover something quite nice. Free image hosting. Which means that I can now do what I always wanted, to post pics on my blog ! So far so good, the posting tests have been okay. The images load and are not corrupted. And I don't have to pay for anything at all !!. Okay so I should have known earlier but at least I know now right ?

There won't be any pictures today though. I'm at the office, it's 6.00am and I'm tired. Later I have to attend a dinner in Santubong somewhere. And I can't seem to find a good picture of Amy Acker as Illyria. I'm also seriously thinking about getting a cheapish but decent digital cam.

And talking about my Angel/Buffy kick, I had the weirdest dream a few days ago. I dreamt I was at work. Except my work area was different. My job was the same and everything felt familiar but the surroundings were different. Instead of the familiarly dull battleship grey and pale blue office, I see would panels and earthy tones (and a nice brown carpet). I go about my business. I meet a lot of guys in suits, which is weird since in my actual place of work people are very casually dressed. I can't really recall in detail the next bits, just me chatting with people and heading to the Science Department (which my real work place doesn't have) to see the boss about new network points for more workstations. I get there and meet a guy in a white lab coat. He says the boss is not there, she had to follow the ceo on some errand. Okay never mind I said. I'll come back later. So I go back to my cube and saw that it was lunch time. I walk out to the (very large) lobby, lighting a fag. I look up and see the signage of my "place of work".

The sign says Wolfram & Hart.

.......I wake up.

Okay maybe I should lay off watching Buffy/Angel DVDs for a while....

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