Friday, April 30, 2004


I've just had a really, really busy night.

Normally that would be a cause for complaint for some. But in this case, I'm quite relieved to be busy. Even better, I managed to settle everything before time's up.

There's always that smug feeling of satisfaction I get if I have a lot to do and can finish without passing it down to the next shift. Best of all, being busy like that prevents boredom, which can be a real problem when you work solo and for twelve whole hours, at night on a weekend.

Earlier in the day, I watched The Last Samurai on DVD. That's a good movie. I really enjoyed it. Of all the lines in the movie, one in particular comes to my mind. It's when Tom Cruise says,"A man does what he can, until his destiny is revealed."

I do believe that a person's "destiny" is pretty much in his/her own hands. However, I also believe that certain events are predestined and essentially inevitable. I also believe in things like serendipity and coincidences. So now the question becomes, if something happens to a person, how would she/he know that it was meant to happen no matter what that person might do ? And does he/she even need to know. And how much of a person's life is how shall we say, "scripted".

I personally don't like the idea that whatever we do, no matter how little or insignifant, is scripted. It implies lack of control and the idea that I don't actually have any control of my own life is quite frightening.

When I think about it, our life is conrolled by us with a few major events that are scripted, like cutscenes from a video game.

Intriguing subject isn't it ? Now, if only I weren't so sleepy..

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