Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Another Work Week


Today is my last day of break for this week. I have to go to work again tomorrow. I'll be at work through the weekend. Next week, I'll have to service my car and and pay a loan. At least I get paid on Friday.

I'm spoilt. I've been spoiled by my current half week on/half week off schedule. Now I absolutely unable to comprehend my own reactions if I were to go back to the 5-day week most people have (or more accurately the 6 & a half day week).

I'm extremely free spirited. I need a LOT of time for myself, to do my own stuff outside or work. I value my free time more than my job. The only reason why I work is to support & pay for my personal life. I have NO thoughts about climbing the so-called corporate ladder. I'm not really interested in getting promoted or anything like that (I do expect fair wages though, which it is so far). At least, that's not my sole aim in life. That makes me look unambitious, doesn't it ? Maybe I am. And it doesn't bother me.

I wonder what my boss at work would say ? What my parents would say ? Or even my friends ? Doesn't bother me either.

I'm grateful that my job is what it is. There are people who have found it impossible to work in the kind of environment I work in. I'm a support technician. I work alone. In any one shift at the factory where I work, there is ONE IT technician for that whole shift (during the day I do get some help from the desktop guy). I like the fact that in one 12-hour shift, if there's nothing big going on, I only see my super for a grand-total of, maybe 15 minutes. Some other days, he's not around at all (weekends and public holidays). My super trusts me enough not to snoop around and watch me like a hawk. Also, I don't really need to be supervised since I'm pretty competent (not bragging). I like the fact that my job requires NO direct supervision. It's perfect. To me, being watched while I work is the most annoying thing in the world.

I'm feeling kinda depressed, but I'm always like that on the last day of break. At least I had four days off this week. That's a good thing and I have to remember that. And the fact that my job doesn't suck is nice too.

I'm very grateful.

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