Saturday, January 31, 2004

About absolutely nothing

Not much going on now. Been making some changes to the look of the blog, esp. the font sizes. They were huge and now they're a lot more pleasing. There's a lot I have to do and one of those things is that I have to find some space that can host pics for me to post here. And where's my HTML book when I need it....

Today I was supposed to get some drivers for a pair of computers I have to fix at home but I forgot my thumb drive so no joy there. I was also supposed to buy some SDRAM but boy those things cost nowadays. I should never have sold my old ones. They were CAS 2 too. Damn it !

Also, I've been reading other people's blogs for the last hour or so. I know, I know I'm really dumb that way. Isn't it better if i had read other people's blogs first, BEFORE I do my own.? Of course it is, but since it's me I don't usually think of such things until it's too late. Still, very sobering and educational. They are a lot of talented writers out there, whom I suspect to be a lot less lazy and more creative than moi. One of those that I found quite impressive is tales of ordinary madness. Now this is a well done blog. I'd mention but that place is so advanced it would be an insult to include it here. Which I already have. Included. Here. Therefore I have inadvertently insulted it. Oh damned.

Anywho, it's stuff like that I'd like to do. See I got this problem. It's call the I-Want-To-Do-Something-Cool-But-When-It's-Time-To-Start-I-Choke syndrome. Very debilitating. Very embarassing. Anybody else got this problem ? Contact me. Maybe we can start a club. Or an encounter group. It's just like the time when I wanted to start writing that Buffy fanfic. I had it all planned out, characters, plot everything. So I power up my all-powerful (at the time) AMD2200XP clone PC and began tapping away at MS Word. I got as far as the character bios before "putting it on hold" (read, giving up). And, and all the other stuff I "put on hold".

Maybe now, since I have a weblog which I am obligated to update everyday (mainly because I told my friends about it; now they'd expect to come and read something entertaining everytime. Me and my big-ass mouth...) maybe I'd be able to write the damned Buffy fan-fic. Or the script for the movie. Or maybe write movie reviews, which I can then sell to local newspapers and help me make a living as an acclaimed movie pundit. Or something or other. Or maybe not.

Anyways, back to the reading-other-people's-blogs topic. Yeah some of these blogs are just so cool. I just hope that this one will be half as good. Enjoy and have a good day/night.

Incidentally, I got the title "Riding the Mellow' from a Buffy episode I was watching. It was "Inca Mummy Girl" and Xander said it. Just in case you were wondering.


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