Sunday, August 08, 2004

Nothing Useful

At work now. It's lunch time and yet I'm not hungry. I've noticed that I have a disturbingly large number of posts that begin with "I". I do write about myself a lot don't I ? But if I didn't, what else could I write about ? Current affairs ? Heck no man, I'm no Peter Minos. Besides, if you want to read stuff like that, buy a newspaper.

No I'm not going to whine today.

I got a weird feeling right now. A sort of acidic, unsettled feeling in the pit of my stomach. Like butterflies. No, more like bats. I'm not sick (yet). I feel kinda nervous actually.

I don't even know what I'm nervous about. I'm not thinking about work (present or future) nor am I thinking about Florence (although very early this morning I was thinking about what to do next with her. I think dinner next weekend would be nice. And quiet. And cheap.) In fact at this moment, I have no serious thoughts whatsoever.

A lot of that going around. Nervousness, anxiety, uncertainty. Read blogs on my links list and ye wil find many a blogger's been feeling more or less like that this week. A lot of us are going through changes or mulling them, both real & perceived. Some people going away, some people thinking about going away and some people thinking about changing stuff with their life. Perhaps my acidy stomach feeling is a reaction from reading all my blogger friends' blogs. Overidentify much ? Maybe.

There's a theme there isn't it ? Change. Change is good sometimes. If there was no change, we have one less topic to blog about. I know I'll be a lot quieter.

Talking about blogs, I nearly died laughing early this morning. One of those blogs that I particularly like is this one. You have to read her latest post, it's just nuts. You'll need to know Malay to get full benefit, but read the rest of the blog. It's just hilarious.

The best thing about Lainie's blog is that it's light-hearted (and did I mention hilarious ? I did ? Ok then...). That blog is the blogging equivalent to a good sitcom. I love it.

As you can see, I don't have an actual topic here. And what a relief too. I've been all introspective an serious for a while now. It's a release just to ramble about nothing actually meaningful. It's the blogging equivalent to a good kicking back and the doing of nothing particularly useful.

And what better thing to do on a Sunday afternoon.

*Errata: Actually Lainie's Malay entry is dated August 5th. But the entries after that are funny too !!

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