Saturday, August 28, 2004

A New Man ?

My real life is threatening to engulf my blissful, idyllic online existence !! Once again, I find myself having only minutes to post.

I've been so so very busy lately. As I write, I'm at work trying to restore an SQL server from backup tapes AND setting up a WinNT workstation at the same time. I haven't even gotten around to doing my software documentation for my project yet. And that one is weeks overdue. Good thing it's not high priority.

Nevertheless I don't really want to put things off like that, that being one of those habits that I've been trying to break. In that same vein, that is why I'm posting now. I could leave this blog un-updated until next week, but I would get really anxious. More than two days without updates and I get uncomfortable.

I have stuff that I want to write about. Unfortunately, I'm pressed for time so maybe later on eh. I finally got one or two ideas, inspired by other blogs that I read. I'm proud to say I'm in good company online. Read those blogs on my links list. Many fine writers there.

Something interesting did happen recently. I think last month I wrote about finding old friends over the Net. Well, I did manage to get her contact info but unfortunately that info was out of date. So the trail went cold after that. However, in getting that info I managed to find out about another friend from college.

Apparently, the person who gave me that info is the wife of one of my former housemates in college (who is probably reading this right now *waves hi*). Now, what are the odds of that happening. One of the good things about being online.

We've been corresponding me & her and it's always cool to meet new people. Particularly from Sabah (northern Borneo state). I have fond memories of my Sabahan friends. Fully 70% of my really good friends were Sabahans. Maybe I'll be able to track down more of them college buddies. Fingers crossed.

One of the most significant things about those college buddies of mine is that they knew me from a different stage of my life. The crappy, depressed stage where I was a lot whinier & sadder than I am now. It's like a blast from the past. When that person who was married to my former housemate (and whose name I'm not at liberty to reveal yet) wrote telling me who her husband was, my mind dug up all those old memories that I had of college life. Including some rather embarassing memories.

It's funny. I look back at some parts of my life and I might as well be looking at someone else. There's stuff that I did & said that I would never ever say or do now, not even for large sums of money (well, depends on the sum...). I most certainly hope that I've changed into someone better since then.

Hey deja vu. I've written about this before me thinks. Oh well, it's my blog & I can regurgitate content if I want to. So there..

Next week, I plan to not work. I hope nobody calls me back. It's National Day too (31st August). I guess I'll be in town somewhere on the night of the 30th.

Hopefully, I'll have time to write a meatier post.

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