Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Ugh 3

Can you believe it?

First I got better. Than yesterday, I felt kind of sick again...

Maybe it's got something to do with me over exerting myself yesterday evening. One of my friends bought himself a mountain bike. A really nice one too. So yesterday, we decided to go for a spin around the neighbourhood. It was great. Then we began riding faster and faster.

This morning, I feel kind of sore. If I didn't accidentally kick the wall near my bed I probably would've slept the entire day.

Yes, it's painfully obvious that I need more exercise. Hopefully the bike will help.

Last night we had a great time hanging out with Asha and friends. She told us quite bizarre stories about interesting things like bad toilet habits and public toilet graffiti. You had to be there.

Later I'm going off to do some errands and help scrounge for computer parts for my friend. Hopefully we can do it quickly. It's really hot outside today.

Oh yes, and today marks the first time I've blogged from home in months.

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