Wednesday, June 09, 2004



Haloscan is down and I can't read comments. That sucks.

Anyway, take a look at this (if you can't see any pictures, wait a bit. The host is a bit slow. Or right-click the blank frame and select "Show Picture") :-

That is an Ibanez Gax30BK. Isn't that just the most gorgeous thing you ever saw ?

My brother is about to buy a similar guitar, a Gax10. That means we have FIVE top notch guitars in the house ! My Squire Strat, my Santa Cruz acoustic, my brother's Santa Cruz acoustic with volume control and amp output, an Epiphone acoustic and now the Gax10. We're going to have a guitarfest at home !! Plus, Ibanez. Wow !!!!

I love Ibanez guitars. There is another model that I really want, the RG370DX. See it here:-

Isn't she a beauty !! If only I could afford it now. (Actually I can but I'd have to blow my entire account. Not recommended.)

To be fair, I've been neglecting my playing since my band went into its hiatus. I really miss our jam sessions. Once again, the pressures of life forced two of us to go to KL and work. And just as we were getting good too...

We'll jam again for sure. But for now, I have to make do with playing alone. The newest song I learnt was Three Doors Down "Away From The Sun". That's a good song.

Music calms the savage beast. It also calms humans when they're stressed out. My guitar playing is one of the things I'm most grateful for. I've been playing long enough to not remember how it was like when I didn't play any instruments.

Do you play ? You should. It's not that hard.

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